Spaceship AI


Publisher Sincress
File size 12.51MB
Number of files 41
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-10-21 08:36:12
First release date 2018-07-16 11:18:25
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

A complete AI system driving a rigidbody physics ship mode, ready for use in your flight game! This system provides a well thought out and tested scripting implementation of a spaceship along with fully autonomous orders (Move, Follow, Patrol, Idle) which uses a PID controller.


-Rigidbody physics driven ship model

-Modular ship scripting enables easy expansion and adding of features

-AI command framework for easy order issuing and management

- Collision avoidance for objects in front of the ship

-Modular system for adding new orders

-Several example orders implemented (Move, Idle, Patrol)

-UI markers for ships with ship selection feature

-PID controller implementation with tested parameters

-Game proven mechanics and a well-polished framework

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