RTS Wheeled Vehicle Controller


Publisher Sincress
File size 17.24MB
Number of files 69
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-01-02 04:09:12
First release date 2018-04-23 10:29:17
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Want realistic wheeled vehicle behaviour in your real time strategy game? This is what you're looking for!

Highly customizable and realistic vehicle behavior using Unity's WheelColliders paired with a logic that controls vehicle driving to a given destination.

- RTS-style vehicle selection using click and mouse drag
- manual drive mode using W,A,S,D
- RTS-style camera control
- realistic vehicle model (weight, torque curve, 2WD or 4WD, suspension, grip...)
- RTS-style movement control
- wheeled vehicle movement logic (3 point turns, turning arc)
- features both wheeled and tracked vehicles (tanks) with moving tracks
- pathfinding and navigation using Unity NavMesh and custom movement logic

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