Save Manager | CG

Publisher Carter Games
File size 2.62MB
Number of files 100
Latest version 2.1.8
Latest release date 2024-05-21 11:53:51
First release date 2020-08-12 09:38:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

The Save Manager is designed for beginners as well as veteran developers. Beginners will find the editor widow and class generation provided in this asset to be really useful, while veterans can add additional save types to the manager manually, bypassing the editor window all together. The asset allows you to save most common datatypes into a local file which can be loaded at your convenience.

Note this asset is designed to be used in smaller and beginner games where the save system only needs to save simple values.

🌟 Important Links 🌟

Docs | Discord | Report Issues | Email: [email protected]

How to Install & Where to start

  • Import the package into your project
  • Wait for the Unity Editor to refresh!

The asset is now installed, for beginner usage start with the following to get the editor window open and setup the savedata class for use.

  • Open the Editor window via Tools/Save Manager/Save Data Editor (in older versions of the asset it is under: Carter Games/Save Manager/SaveDataEditor) found on the top navigation bar in Unity.
  • Use the interface to setup your save data class by adding fields and configuring them as needed.
  • Then just call SaveManager.SaveGame() & SaveManager.LoadGame() to save you load you game data where needed!

🐞 Managed to find a bug? Have a problem with our asset? 🐞

If you are having any issues with our assets, please do let us know via our Discord or Email. We can't fix or add things to our asset if we don't know what is wrong with it. Please do not use the reviews section to report bugs or request features as we can't directly communicate with you to resolve the issue through this channel.

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