Build Versions | CG

Publisher Carter Games
File size 2.19MB
Number of files 60
Latest version 1.2.1
Latest release date 2024-03-05 06:26:52
First release date 2021-11-26 01:50:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Build Versions is a backend tool that saves you the headache of updating the build number for each build.

The asset will always update a standard number stored in a scriptable object that you can reference in your project. With options to update the player settings systematic version as well.

🌟 Important Links 🌟

Docs | Spripting API |Change Log | Github (Source) | Website | Discord | Email

Key Features

  • Automatic build information updating.
  • Choose when the build number updates.
  • No user setup required.
  • Support to update the player settings build number on build.
  • Support to update the Android bundle code on build.

How to Install

  • Import the package into your project
  • Wait for the Unity Editor to refresh!
  • That's it!

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