Runtime Utilities


Publisher DTT
File size 4.26MB
Number of files 65
Latest version 2.0.3
Latest release date 2022-07-04 10:07:11
First release date 2021-12-20 11:49:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Save time to work on the things you enjoy, rather than wasting it doing things that should be easier.

Runtime Utilities is a collection of utility classes split up into three namespaces:

  1. DTT.Utils.Extensions
  2. DTT.Utils.Workflow
  3. DTT.Utils.Optimization

Functionalities in these namespaces will help you write good code faster and help you optimize your game.


  • A large number of Extension methods for a variety of types: Array, Enum, Enumerable, Generic, List, Math, RectTransform, RichText, String, Type
  • Optimize your workflow with the Utility classes.
  • Optimize your code with the help of Datastructures.

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