Mobile Keyboard Raiser


Publisher DTT
File size 15.96MB
Number of files 205
Latest version 2.1.3
Latest release date 2022-11-09 11:12:38
First release date 2022-01-11 08:40:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Mobile Keyboard Raiser can be used to make sure your desired UI elements will be kept in view for the user when the keyboard covers the screen. This can be very useful to make sure input fields will stay visible even when the keyboard is active. Avoid having your UI covered up by the keyboard, this can be very disorientating for the user since they can’t view their input in your project.

Without having to write any code you can keep your UI visible at all times, no more keyboards in the way of your UI.

🗂️ This asset is part of the PRO UI Bundle. Get 9 assets to make PRO User Interfaces, and save over 50%!


  • No code required: A component that will help you automatically raise UI if the mobile keyboard would overlap with it.
  • Debugging: Custom tools are included within the editor, see how your UI responds to the native keyboard at any time without having to build to your devices, simulate any keyboard size and see how your UI responds.
  • Public API: Get any information about the on-screen keyboard, such as the height in pixels, screen space taken and handle everything on an event basis.
  • Tested and optimized for mobile platforms (iOS and Android).

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