Managed Singletons


Publisher DTT
File size 16.54MB
Number of files 252
Latest version 8.2.0
Latest release date 2022-08-11 10:28:25
First release date 2021-11-03 12:11:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Managed Singletons is a Singleton code suite designed to provide the necessary Singleton functionality and eliminate common problems DTT encountered while working with them. As a whole, this suite can save you dozens of hours worth of debugging and testing.


  • Various types of Singletons, such as Classic, Lazy (only created when called), Scene (always active in their given scene, never outside of it), and Editor.
  • Without writing any code, create singletons with the use of the context menu options.
  • A clear editor window that provides an overview of singletons you have created in the project and allows you to configure the way your singletons are created during the lifetime of your application.
  • The flexibility of singleton creation by making them available before the first scene is loaded. This ensures your singletons are created independent of which scene you start in.
  • Availability of singletons at any point during the application’s lifecycle.
  • Tested and optimized for mobile platforms (iOS and Android) and web (WebGL).

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