Oculus Quest Multiplayer Photon Pun2 Template


Publisher ChiliGames
File size 1.68MB
Number of files 42
Latest version 1.21.8
Latest release date 2021-11-23 01:10:19
First release date 2020-05-18 08:28:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This package contains a template for setting up a network using Photon Pun2 for Oculus Quest 1 & 2, Oculus Rift.

It features:
- Updated to work with Oculus Quest 1 & 2 Handtracking!
- Auto-Lobby: You automatically join first available room for up to 20 players (the number can be set in NetworkManager script).
- Voice chat integration using Photon Voice.
- Custom OVRCamera prefab to be used in network.
- Different spawn points and colors for each player.
- Custom OVRGrabber, OVRGrabbable and Hand scripts to handle correctly grabbing across network.
- Additional Cube-Creation tool as an example of how to handle creating objects owned by a player across the network.

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