Multiplayer Mixed Reality Template

Publisher ChiliGames
File size 67.59MB
Number of files 2
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-01-17 12:42:12
First release date 2022-11-19 08:27:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This asset is a starting point for developing a multiplayer mixed reality/passthrough experience using networked solutions provided by Photon: Pun 2 and Photon Voice.

Compatible with built-in and URP render pipelines.


  • User avatar loading and state networking
  • Voice chat and lip sync
  • Networked movable, synced objects
  • Hand menu with touch interactions (button and slider)
  • Versatool

- Networked passthrough drawing

- Turns meshes into passthrough objects

  • Spawn networked objects
  • Component included allows objects to be reactive to the passthrough state
  • Turn-based networked physics game (Jenga provided, but implementation can be reused for any tabletop turn-based game)
  • All code commented to explain networking implementation
  • Tweening class included (rapidly animate GameObjects and UI with code)
  • Reusable 3D assets included
  • Installation guide and Discord server link included

3D assets by Poyen Wang

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