Meta Avatars Pun2 VR Multiplayer Template


Publisher ChiliGames
File size 37.93MB
Number of files 2
Latest version
Latest release date 2024-11-20 04:01:13
First release date 2022-01-23 02:26:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This template will help you to kickstart your networked VR project using the new Meta Avatars. Each user can connect to the scene, and load their own customized Meta/Oculus avatars.

This project requires downloading and installing Photon Pun2 and Photon Voice 2, which are FREE.


- Meta Avatars (Avatar2) network implementation.

- Using Photon Pun2 (FREE)

- Hand tracking and controllers supported (auto switching).

- Voice chat using Photon Voice 2.

- Full custom networked locomotion system.

- Networked grabbing/manipulation of objects.

- Photon is free with a limit of 20 CCU (concurrent users/users connected at the same time).

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