Cool Hologram Shader


Publisher VaxKun
File size 380.91kB
Number of files 16
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-01-25 01:36:17
First release date 2019-05-09 07:36:08
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

If you are searching for an hologram shader, you actually found it!

NEW Compatibility with Android, iOS and Consoles!

Capability to personalize things like:

- Main Color

- Glow Direction

- Glow Intensity

- Glow Speed

- Fresnel Exponent

- NEW Activate/Deactivate Scan

- NEW Activate/Deactivate Lines

- Scan Direction

- Scan Exponent

- Scan Speed

- Scan Tiling

With a PDF Documentation too!


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