Anime/CelShading Shader


Publisher VaxKun
File size 3.29MB
Number of files 37
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2021-06-15 09:17:26
First release date 2019-10-04 11:18:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

If you are searching for an Anim/CelShading look, you actually found it!


Compatible with lights and environment shadows (Example on screenshots)

With some different shaders:

- Diffuse

- Diffuse with Dissolve

- DiffuseVC (Vertex Colors Outline)

- Emissive

- EmissiveVC (Vertex Colors Outline)

- Fresnel

- Fresnel with Dissolve

- Glass

- Transparent Cutout

- Transparent Cutout with opacity guide

Capability to personalize things like:

- Tint

- Shadows Color

- Environment Shadows

- Shadow Range

- Shadow Sharpness

- Shadow Intensity

- Dont Use SpecularTexture (Bool)

- SpecularBaseValue (If "DontUseSpecularTexture" is on)

- Specular Range

- Specular Intensity

- NEW Point Lights Intensity

- Dissolve mode

- Dissolve Amount

- Outline Color

- Textured Outline

- Outline Width

- Outline Mode

- NEW Outline Width Multiplier

- Main Texture Lightness

- Main Texture

- Specular Texture

- OutlineColor Texture

- Emisive Color

- Emisive Texture

- Fresnel Color

- Fresnel Exponent

- Fresnel Bias

- Glass Opacity

- Glass Reflection Lines Opacity

- Glass Reflection Lines Width

- Glass Reflection Lines Distance

- Glass Reflection Lines Distance

- Glass Reflection Lines Scale Multiplier

With a PDF Documentation too!


Models of screenshots not included

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