"Unity Virtual Reality Projects" Collection

Publisher Parkerhill XR Studio
File size 203.69MB
Number of files 407
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-07-10 07:47:11
First release date 2019-07-10 07:47:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This package contains completed projects for the book "Unity Virtual Reality Projects - Second Edition" by Jonathan Linowes

The book is available in hardcopy and/or ebook formats, from:
* Amazon
* Packt Publishing

This is a Unity project with completed examples and projects from the book. It includes 38 separate scenes for the 13 chapters and major topics in the book.

Implemented using Unity 2019.7f1 and is device-independent using the Unity XR Input SDK. Does not require any device-specific SDK such as to Oculus, SteamVR, Daydream etc but should run on any of those devices and platforms. See the files in Assets/UVRP2/XRInput/ folder.

Some 3rd party assets used in some projects that are under separate license are not included here and may be downloaded separately.

* Required: Unity Standard Assets

* Optional: Some free 3rd party assets are recommended, optional and fun to use in these projects, but must be downloaded and imported separately. See README for details.

Scenes Included:

* 2-1-Diorama

* 3-1-Diorama-XR

* 4-1-RandomWalker
* 4-2-LookMoveWalker
* 4-3-LookToKill

* 5-1-InputTest
* 5-2-BalloonsPolling
* 5-3-BalloonsEvents
* 5-4-BalloonsInHand
* 5-5-BalloonGrenades
* 5-6-GrabAndThrow

* 6-1-CanvasUI
* 6-2-DashboardUI
* 6-3-InteractableUI
* 6-4-WristPalette

* 7-1-GlideLocomotion
* 7-2-GlideLocomotionComfort
* 7-3-Teleport
* 7-4-SpawnPoints
* 7-5-TeleportNavmesh

* 8-1-BallsFromHeaven
* 8-2-BallsPool
* 8-3-HeadBallGame
* 8-4-PaddleBallGame
* 8-5-ShooterBallGame
* 8-6-FireBallGame
* 8-7-FireBeatGame

* 9-1-Gallery
* 9-2-GalleryRidethrough

* 10-1-Globes
* 10-2-Photosphere
* 10-3-VideoSphere
* 10-4-skybox
* 10-5-VideSkybox

* 11-1-BlackbirdStory

* N/A. Note, the UNet Unity Networking components used in this chapter have been deprecated in Unity 2018.x and removed in Unity 2019+

* 13-1-Optimization
* 13-2-StaticBorg
* 13-3-BorgCulling