Ultimate Spawner 2.0 - Waves Add-On

Publisher Trivial Interactive
File size 772.05kB
Number of files 54
Latest version 2.1.4
Latest release date 2023-10-10 12:04:13
First release date 2020-02-13 10:48:10
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
IMPORTANT - This asset is an add-on and will not work as a standalone asset. Please purchase Ultimate Spawner 2.0 prior to purchasing this asset.

Ultimate Spawner 2.0 - Waves Add-On is an expansion asset for Ultimate Spawner 2.0 and adds the ability to create wave based spawning systems which are created via a versatile node editor window.

-Seamlessly integrates with the base asset.
-Quickly and easily create or edit wave graphs to get the requried spawning behaviour.
-Highly versatile node editor for creating and editing wave spawner logic graphs.
-Includes many built in wave nodes allowing for an unlimited amount of spawning variety.
-Ability to create custom wave nodes which can then be added to the wave graph.
-Suitable for 2D and 3D games.
-Fully commented C# source code

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