Ultimate 2D Car Game Kit

Publisher Lost Relic Games
File size 23.99MB
Number of files 297
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-12-10 09:20:17
First release date 2020-01-22 01:08:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

A perfect foundation and starting point for your next car game!

Save 100s of hours of development and asset creation time.

Fully customizable, Easy-to-use, content packed, modular track design, Car Drift/Driving kit. Bypass all the complexity of starting a car game, so you can get to the fun stuff sooner! Full AI system. Other kits use fake node-to-node Lerp, I've programmed AI to orient their wheels and drive with the same system the player uses! This creates a very premium and organic race feel.

Mobile, Xbox and keyboard controls Pre-mapped!

Newly created in 2020 by John Stejskal, an Australian commercial Game Developer with 15 years game making experience.

Demo links below!

### Features ###

- Fun arcade style drift/drive system

- Sample Tracks: JDM car meet, F1 Circuit, Rally, Police Chase, Urban Free Roam + more

- Simple drag-n-drop modular track creation

- Full AI path creation system with realistic driving

- Different AI driving bevaviours

- customize car visuals and drive feel

- Mobile Virtual Controls and support

- Plug-and-play Xbox controller support

- WASD / arrow key keyboard support

- Nitros Boost system

- Car Health/Damage system

- Lap Counter System

- Race Position System

- Collectibles (Nitro and health)

- Customizable Cars visuals

- Customizable Drive and Drift Feel

- Customizable Menu Screens

- Customizable Track Select screen

- Full Sound Effects!

- Heavily commented, easy to understand code

- Realistic Tyre skid marks and smoke effects

- All PSD design files included!

### Game Ideas###

- Foruma1 Racing

- Offroad Rally

- Car RPG (like the early GTAs)

- Rocket League style game

- Police Chase game

- Micro Machines style racing game

- Street Drifting

- Parking / Vallet game

- Destruction Derby

- Nascar

Demo files links, Have fun!

Android APK Demo

PC Demo

Need to Chat? Send me an email.

john @ lostrelicgames.com

Official Unity Forum Thread