Easy 2D Player Movement

Publisher Lost Relic Games
File size 114.70kB
Number of files 48
Latest version 1.1.0
Latest release date 2021-12-10 09:19:15
First release date 2020-12-17 02:35:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

퟉�Straight Forward, Easy To Use, No Nonsense Player Movement System.

Professionally built with beginners in mind, this system is a fantastic starting point for you to build 2D platformers or endless runners or jumpers. It uses a Super Mario inspired control; responsive variable jump, dash, wall jumping and double jump (everything can be toggled on/off and customized). Comes with 3 sample scenes with different game modes for you to easily build on! (platformer, endless runner, flappy bird jumper).

All controls are pre-mapped for your convenience: mobile, keyboard and Gamepad - easy-peasy. Want to run on mobile? Simple, just press build, it's ready to go, no messing about.

Whether you're new to Unity, or a seasoned developer, this system will be a fantastic starting point of any 2D platformer project.

🎮 Demo files links:

Android APK Demo

PC Demo


### Features ###

- Precise Super Mario Style platforming controls

- Ready for mobile

- Fully customizable controls

- Easy to customize graphics

- 3 Fun sample scenes showcasing different playmodes

- Mobile Virtual Controls

- Plug-and-play Xbox controller support

- WASD / arrow key keyboard support

- Mario style variable jump (hold button for higher jumps)

- Double jump (can be toggled on/off)

- Wall jumping (can be toggled on/off)

- Endless runner / Auto Walk mode (can be toggled on/off)

- Endless jump mode (can be toggled on/off)

- Free Smooth Camera Follow script included

- Heavily commented, easy to understand code

- Easy to adapt Rigidbody based system

- Professionally built for beginners to make games faster

Created and supported by John Stejskal, an Australian commercial Game Developer with 15 years game making experience.

For support email john @ lostrelicgames.com