os. Toon Kit 2 | Toon Shading for Unity URP

Publisher OccaSoftware
File size 42.42MB
Number of files 83
Latest version 2.1.2
Latest release date 2023-11-13 03:51:14
First release date 2023-01-03 02:23:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher




Develop your pixel-perfect toon, cel, or anime material using Toon Kit 2, stylized shading for Unity URP. Easily extensible in Shader Graph.

Bring Your Concept Art to Life

Design beautifully shaded materials that match your concept art and drive interest in your game.

Create Stunning Materials with Ease

Create stunning opaque, alpha cutout, or transparent materials and cast shadows on any material while receiving shadows from any material, giving your game a more natural and immersive look.

Debug Your Materials with Confidence

Use debug views to quickly identify and fix any issues, ensuring that your materials look their best. The responsive editor makes it easy to make changes on the fly and get your materials looking just right.

Fully Customizable and Compatible

Customizable to fit your needs, can support up to 8 concurrent additional lights, offers transparency and blend mode support, and can control which mesh faces render and hide shading on an object.


  1. Create opaque, alpha cutout, and transparent (alpha, additive, multiply, premultiply) materials
  2. Cast shadows on any material, receive shadows from any material
  3. Customizable specular and rim highlights
  4. Configurable lighting options
  5. Isolate each contribution to the final look with debug views
  6. Responsive editor

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