os. Buto | Volumetric Fog and Volumetric Lighting for URP

Publisher OccaSoftware
File size 104.12MB
Number of files 111
Latest version 3.6.3
Latest release date 2023-03-23 11:16:31
First release date 2022-02-15 09:35:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher







Bring your game's environment to life with Buto, the ultimate volumetric fog and lighting asset for Unity URP. 

Add realism to your outdoor scenes with misty forests or foggy mountains, create an eerie atmosphere in your horror game, or add depth and texture to your game's atmosphere with customizable volumetric noise. 

With Buto, you can achieve your artistic vision and take your game's atmosphere to new heights. Experience the future of volumetrics and make your game stand out with Buto.


  • Various performance optimizations with up to ~25% faster rendering.
  • The editor now offers quality presets.
  • Buto now supports spotlights.
  • We've introduced a new directional lighting setting. With directional lighting, you can now tint the fog based on the position of your main directional light in the scene.
  • We've improved the editor GUI. The connection between the Color Influence and the Individual and Ramp color overrides is now more obvious.


Buto is not just a volumetric fog and lighting asset, it's a powerful tool that can elevate the atmosphere of your game to a whole new level.

For amateur developers, Buto offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily add volumetric fog and lighting to your game with just a few clicks. With the built-in customizable volumetric noise and color ramps, you can add texture and depth to your fog, making it look more realistic and believable. The fog density masks feature allows you to add or erase volumetric fog in specific areas, giving you even more control over the look and feel of your game.

For expert developers, Buto offers a wide range of advanced features that allow you to take your game's atmosphere to the next level. The physically based volumetric fog and lighting system uses algorithms described in leading technical papers and strategies from major AAA studios, providing a level of realism that is unmatched by other assets. The volumetric lighting and shadow feature ensures that objects in your scene realistically occlude lighting and cast shadows, grounding your fog in the scene. Additionally, Buto offers support for point lights and spotlights, giving you even more ways to illuminate your fog and create stunning visuals.

Buto can be used in a variety of use cases in your game, from adding realism to outdoor environments, such as a misty forest or a foggy mountain, to creating an eerie atmosphere in a horror game. The volumetric noise feature can be used to add texture to the particle distribution, making the fog look more natural. The atmospheric height fog feature makes the particle density exponentially decreases over height, resulting in realistic fog attenuation over altitude. The Long-Range Visual Consistency feature can be used to guarantee visual realism over long distances. The Stylized Fog Options feature allows you to achieve your artistic vision with color ramps, simple color adjustments, directional lighting controls, and light and shadow intensity sliders.

Buto is a must-have asset for any Unity developer looking to create immersive and believable environments in their game. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, Buto is perfect for both amateur and expert developers. And with our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can trust that Buto will meet your needs and exceed your expectations.


  1. Physically based: Our volumetric lighting and fog accurately renders atmospheric particles and light scattering using algorithms described in leading technical papers and strategies from major AAA studios.
  2. Volumetric Lighting and Shadow: Objects realistically occlude lighting by interacting with the fog, keeping your fog grounded in your scene.
  3. Fast: Optimized, high-performance rendering with intelligent depth-aware upscaling (~0.7ms on an Nvidia 1080 desktop equivalent).
  4. Volumetric Noise: Built-in customizable volumetric noise gives texture to the particle distribution. Choose from 5 configurable volumetric noise styles or import your own texture for the ultimate control.
  5. Atmospheric Height Fog: Particle density exponentially decreases over height, resulting in realistic fog attenuation over altitude.
  6. Long-Range Visual Consistency: Toggleable analytic height fog can be rendered behind local volumetric fog to guarantee visual realism over long distances.
  7. Stylized Fog Options: Achieve your artistic vision with color ramps, simple color adjustments, and light and shadow intensity sliders.
  8. Additional Lights: Illuminate the fog with volumetric point lighting.
  9. Fog Density Masks: Add or erase volumetric fog using Fog Density Masks
  10. Temporal Anti-Aliasing: Improved quality for high-density fog with optional Temporal Anti-Aliasing.
  11. Integrated with the Volume Component System: Seamlessly tie Volumetric Fog into your workflow with Unity's Volume Component system. Set Global Fog parameters and local Box and Sphere Volume parameters with seamless blending between Fog Volume settings.



Vulkan, OpenGL, Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12


  1. Transparent materials are not fully supported. Objects using transparent materials are rendered after the fog pass and will not receive the effects of the fog. You can override this behavior using the included Buto.hlsl shader include (see Demo Resources for example usage).
  2. VR is not supported.
  3. Orthographic perspective is not supported.
  4. The fog does not receive shadows cast by volumetric point lights or spotlights.
  5. Designed for Unity 2021.3 LTS Universal Render Pipeline (URP).


Please reach out to us directly at [email protected] or on Twitter @occasoftware if you have any problems or questions. If you are not satisfied, we will refund you.


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