

Publisher Yseron
File size 77.53kB
Number of files 16
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2017-10-12 11:47:24
First release date 2017-10-12 11:47:24
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Fast IMGUI controls handling up to int.MaxValue (2,147,483,647) entries.

Usefull for large enumerations (enums or ints with associated names).
It is now possible to select an entry from a list of cosmic proportions.
For exemple, you can now invite a user to select one of your localized text entries or to select an item ID from a huge pool


- Native enumerations (System.Enum).
- integer values (int) with names associations (string[]).
- enum properties (SerializedProperty).
- integer properties (SerializedProperty) with names associations (string[]).

The order of the parameters have been kept similars to the familiar ones of the GUI.XXXPopup() functions as seen in the exemples provided with the package.


- Naviguation (fine grained and by blocks) through scroll bar and ui buttons (top, bottom, page down, page up, line down, line up).
- The default skin is provided with the package.

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