Cute Forest Mini Pack 1


Publisher Yseron
File size 1.80MB
Number of files 64
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2017-12-04 10:14:23
First release date 2017-12-04 10:14:23
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Low poly cartoon environment assets. Ideal for cute exteriors. Trees have had their foliages and trunks reference two separate materials to avoid un-necessary z-sorting operations. Grass shape have been made so as to look good from any angle without the need to lay out huge amounts of instances.

. 3 trees
. 6 growths / grass
. 3 mushrooms
. 4 rocks

. 3x 32:32 tga
. 2x 64:64 tga
. 1x 64:256 tga
. 3x 256:256 tga
. 1x 512:256 tga
. 5 x 512:512 tga

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