Nature - Hybrid Pack


Publisher Nicrom
File size 121.19MB
Number of files 385
Latest version 1.0.1
Latest release date 2020-11-11 07:40:25
First release date 2020-10-29 01:38:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Nature Hybrid Pack is a 3D environment art pack that blends the Low Poly art style with the Stylized art style, allowing you to create unique looking game worlds.

Demo Builds
PC (Built-In) | PC (URP)

Support and Social Links
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Supported Render Pipelines
✔ Built-In (Unity 2019.1.14+)
✔ URP (Unity 2019.3.15+, supported via included package)

Key Features
- Most of the models have LODs to ensure an optimal performance.
- The models have custom lightmap UVs.
- All vegetation shaders have wind simulation.
- Slope correction shader feature. When enabled, the grass/flowers/reedmace will point upwards even when placed on steep slopes.
- The grass and flower shaders use white and greyscale textures. This makes it easy to customize the colors or use custom textures.
- Water shader with color depth and distortion.
- Basic underwater fog image effect (Built-In pipeline only).
- Custom material inspectors. Tooltips are displayed when the mouse is hovering over a field name.
- Large demo scene that showcases the 3 biomes.

Compatibility with Third Party Assets
✔ Vegetation Studio/Pro
✔ Amplify Shader Editor

Low Poly Models
- x16 pine trees (104 - 3298 tris)
- x3 birch trees (198 - 366 tris)
- x2 big palm trees (212 - 1890 tris)
- x1 small palm tree (246 - 2298 tris)
- x3 tree trunks (138 - 524 tris)
- x2 broken brunches (178 - 192 tris)
- x9 lily pads (54 - 944 tris)
- x6 flowers (55 - 276 tris)
- x2 reedmace's (108 - 476 tris)
- x3 mushrooms (98 - 560 tris)
- x17 rock walls (198- 639 tris)
- x3 rocks pillars (261 - 421 tris)
- x9 boulders (116 - 272 tris)
- x3 cobbles (110 - 552 tris)

Stylised Models
- x1 low grass (36 - 106 tris)
- x1 mid grass (26 - 76 tris)
- x1 tall grass (28 - 112)
- x4 flowers without stem (32 - 64 tris)
- x6 flowers with stem (12 - 192)

- Low poly vegetation
- Low poly tree with patterns
- Low poly lily pad
- Low poly reedmace
- Stylized grass
- Stylized flowers with/without stem
- Water with color depth and refraction
- Skybox

- x4 low/mid grass
- x5 tall grass
- x6 flower petals
- x3 flower stems
- x3 bark patterns
- x4 terrain textures
- x3 noise/normal maps
- x2 butterfly

- Butterflies
- Fireflies
- Falling leaves

Other Assets
- Palette Modifier - Editor extension that allows you to modify, directly inside Unity the colors of a texture atlas used by Low Poly models.

Third Party Assets Used in the Promotional Materials
- Bakery - GPU Lightmapper
- Magic Light Probes

- Bakery GPU Lightmapper was used to bake the indirect light for the scene shown in the promotional materials and the demo builds. In the demo scene that comes with the art pack, the indirect light was baked using the Unity CPU Progressive lightmapper. To reduce the size of the lightmaps, the indirect light was baked only for the terrain, wall rocks and some boulders, as a result the scene will look a little different compared to how it looks in the promotional materials and the demo builds.

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