Monster Battler Pack Creatures 1-5

Publisher Cryptogene
File size 115.14MB
Number of files 1041
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-09-11 05:32:08
First release date 2018-09-11 05:32:08
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This creature package comes with more than 1000 battler files! 
(200 unique images * 5 file formats = 1000 files.) 

It can be used with the RPG Maker series or other game engines.
For animations please check also my other packages out!
You don't have to buy this package, if you've already bought all animation packs.

 I've prepared 4 rendered .png versions (0.5x, 0.75x, 1x and 2x) but there's also a svg * version of each file. This means you can scale it up without loss of quality (vector graphics). 

Dimensions (creature 1 Lv. 5) the other creatures are similar: 
0.50x = ca. 131px * 118px
0.75x = ca. 197px * 177px 
1.00x = ca. 263px * 237px 
2.00x = ca. 526px * 474px 
.svg     = any size * any size

* There's also a .svg version for the semi-realistic style, but because it's textured it's texture will be stretched a little, if you scale it up. In the most cases looks it despite that beautiful. =)

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