2D Isometric Starter Standard Kit +.svg

Publisher Cryptogene
File size 1.21GB
Number of files 50332
Latest version 1.3.5
Latest release date 2018-07-26 05:31:19
First release date 2018-05-22 01:02:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This Package comes with more than 9660 tiles.
(483 unique tiles * 5 color versions * 4 styles = 9660 tiles.)

(Blocks, Water tiles (animation), trees, crystals, rocks, flowers, and much more!)

There 4 different styles and also 5 color variations of each tile. I've prepared 4 rendered .png versions (0.5x, 0.75x, 1x and 2x) but there's also a svg * version of each file. This means you can scale it up without loss of quality (vector graphics).

Styles included in this package:
- comic
- comic-ghost
- flat
- smooth

If you need more styles, check out my styles+ pack.

Dimensions (Grass Block):
0.50x = ca. 105px * 100px
0.75x = ca. 160px * 155px
1.00x = ca. 215px * 105px
2.00x = ca. 430px * 410px
.svg     = any size * any size

* .svg is sadly only for "comic", "comic-extreme" and "flat" available. All other styles are just .png files, because of their half vector and raster format. 

Update 1.2 - Water Update is released!
Update 1.3 - Style Update is released!

More updates for this package will follow.
There's much more planned - be prepared for the absolut isometric madness!

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