Howl - The Symbolic Notation for C#


Publisher Activ
File size 56.81kB
Number of files 71
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-11-06 09:12:18
First release date 2020-09-25 09:15:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Howl is the symbolic notation for OOP development, C# and Unity3D. With over a hundred notations, reduce source size by up to 20%, mute language-level semantics and take your game to the next realm.

To senior devs who value extreme clarity and concision, I give you Howl; a heretic love letter to OOP written in Unicode.

⦿ Use C# and Howl sources in your Unity project.
⦿ Seamlessly convert between Howl and C#.
⦿ Write Howl source, build and publish C#
⦿ Configurable source import and snippets.
⦿ Supports Atom and Visual Studio Code.

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