Heroic Engine

Publisher Heroicsolo
File size 19.23MB
Number of files 413
Latest version 1.0.11
Latest release date 2025-03-24 12:50:26
First release date 2025-02-04 04:14:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Heroic Engine is game development toolkit, which can simplify your projects creation process.

It contains different systems and tools, and 2 example minigames where you can see how that features can be used.

This toolkit is flexible and suitable for any genre, but may be most useful in hypercasual/casual and midcore game projects.

More tools and systems will be added soon!

Heroic Engine Documentation

Our Discord (feel free to ask questions there)


This package uses next assets under CC0 license*:

- teleport-error-39936.mp3

- 172206__fins__teleport.wav

- patents-219735.mp3

- vibrating-thud-39536.mp3

- Robot.fbx

- DayTimeSky.png

- Dollars.png

- gemstone-26088_1280.png

- Target--Streamline-Solar-Broken.png

- Health--Streamline-Solar-Broken.png

- Star-Rings--Streamline-Solar-Broken.png

- 212172__scottfromscott__n3.ogg

- 212166__scottfromscott__n2.ogg

- 212148__scottfromscott__n1.ogg

- 528957__beetlemuse__correct-answer-thats-right.ogg

- Jupiteroid Regular Font

This package also uses DOTween under Custom Proprietary License (http://dotween.demigiant.com/license.php)

And Unity Standard Assets under Unity Companion License.

*see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.