Gyroscope Camera Controls (Mobile)


Publisher SWUMP
File size 117.02kB
Number of files 12
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-01-17 09:50:30
First release date 2018-01-17 09:50:30
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This package includes a script that enables devices running iOS and Android*, as well as a test environment to quickly see the effect!

Drag the prefab into your scene and see the magic work straight away!

This script is featured in Gyrocube - , which is free to download for iOS and Android, for you to try out the script on a mobile device prior to buying it.

*This will work if the device has a Gyroscope built-in. All of Apple Devices has this, but some android, especially cheaper ones, does not have this feature.

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