Gamelogic Extensions


Publisher Gamelogic
File size 113.59kB
Number of files 102
Latest version 3.1.0
Latest release date 2024-05-30 01:27:21
First release date 2014-07-08 10:17:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

A package that contains objects and extensions to Unity classes that should be useful in any game:

- A base class for creating Singletons from any monobehaviour.
- A light-weight state machine class.
- A monobahviour class that defines generic methods for Instantiation.
- A PlayerPrefs alternative that, in addition to the methods of the standard PlayerPrefs, also defines methods for dealing with boolean types, and rays of int, float, string and bool.
- Extensions for transform that allows easy setting of components of position, scale and rotation separately.
- Extensions for vectors to calculate the projection and rejection, and the vector perpendicular (2D).
- Extensions for Colors to get lighter or darker colors, get a color with a given value, and get an opaque version of a given color.
- A clock class.
- Generator classes for generating sequences of objects.
- Response curve classes for easy defining piece-wise linear curves.
- State tracker class to easily keep track of simultaneous asynchronous events.
- Useful property drawers.

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