Firewood, Chopping Block, Axe, PBR

Publisher Drake´s Legacy
File size 92.61MB
Number of files 25
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-03-31 08:09:21
First release date 2016-03-04 11:42:23
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

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This package contains:

- 1 wooden chopping block, 6 pieces of firewood (different UV), 1 axe, 1 storage for the firewood (consists of 4 simple wooden sticks)

Technical details:

- 1 PBR material 4096x4096, consists of 4 textures (diff, nrm, spec, occ (TIFF`s))
- The axe is displaceable by different metal- and wood- groups


LOD0: 228 tris (rendermesh)
LOD1: 116 tris
LOD2: 32 tris
Phys: 44 tris (physical collider mesh)

Chopping block:
LOD0: 480 tris (rendermesh)
LOD1: 112 tris
LOD2: 80 tris
Phys: 320 tris (physical collider mesh (Attention: It must have objects shape for true physical interaction))

LOD0: 40 tris (rendermesh)
Phys: 40 tris (physical collider mesh)

Firewood (1 piece)
LOD0: 12 tris (rendermesh)
LOD1: 8 tris
Phys: 8 tris (physical collider mesh)

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