Enum Tags - Autocomplete Tags


Publisher Tzar
File size 18.25kB
Number of files 5
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-04-05 10:42:10
First release date 2023-04-05 10:42:10
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Enum Tags is a simple script that mirrors Unity's tags to a static class that is automatically generated
and all the tags are added as properties for easier access in code.

How to use:
1. Import the package
2. To use just type "Tags." and all your tags will be shown in autocomplete
Example: CompareTag(Tags.YourTagName)

How is it useful?
1. No need to remember tag names anymore, Intellisense will let you know
2. No change to Unity's tag system or the use of it
3. Saves more time and is more reliable than typing string tags

1. Special characters like @*& etc. will be shown as SC in the tag autocomplete
because the tags are stored as properties and special characters are not allowed. However this doesn't affect
tag comparison.
2. Make sure you have write permissions for the Enum Tags folder or the script wouldn't be able to update the tags.

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Supports any Unity version.

Report any issues, improvements or feature requests to [email protected]

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