API for ChatGPT - Easy AI Integration


Publisher Tzar
File size 401.38kB
Number of files 76
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-01-02 03:38:31
First release date 2023-04-25 02:59:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Very simple and easy to use OpenAI curl API wrapper for Unity. Full source code provided.

Important, read before purchase!
1. Make sure you can go to OpenAI's website and register for an account to use their API service before purchasing this asset! You will need to acquire an API key to use their services. More info on https://openai.com
2. Some older versions of Unity will require that you import the Async Await Support asset to use this asset
3. Only supports text prompts for now, Whisper support is in progress
4. Uses Newtonsoft JSON
5. Doesn't support chat streaming - in progress

Set up and use an AI chat powered by OpenAI's state of the art GPT models in no time! Supports all models including GPT 4+

Sample use:
1. Open the demo scene
2. Paste your API key in the GPTAgent script
3. Choose an AIProfile or use the demo chat profile which is preset
4. Start typing and get responses from the AI model

For suggestions, support or anything else you can chat with me directly on Discord or shoot me a mail to [email protected]

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