Dynamic Spawner

Publisher Wolf Pack Games
File size 5.55MB
Number of files 32
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-07-29 08:58:11
First release date 2017-04-05 06:03:23
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Dynamic Spawner is designed to do exactly that. Create a customer Wolf Pack Games Spawner, set the volume of the spawner, assign you prefabs you want to spawn, play. This spawner makes it easy for you to develop your games by limiting the time you spend on calculations when placing objects. The WPG Dynamic spawner will do all of that for you allowing you to worry about other aspects of your game.

Spawner types available:
- WPG_Spawner (Ground based)
- WPG_ThreeDSpawner (3D based)
- WPG_NetworkSpawner (Network based)

** Not tested on Mac Linux, or WebGL
** This is not a game only an asset for your game

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