Crash Scene

Publisher Unity Education
File size 97.84MB
Number of files 507
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-11-18 07:21:12
First release date 2019-05-16 06:42:09
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Unity Certified User is suited for high school students; the course and associated assets will help students learn to code using Unity and C# to get started in interactive content creation for a wide range of industries.
The Crash project is part of the Unity User Courseware and was created to learn the basics of cinematics creation using Timeline and Cinemachine.
This asset package contains a 3D world students can use to start creating beautiful cinematic sequences.

This package contains:

3D Assets
   •  Bench
   •  Building_01
   •  Building_02
   •  Fence2x4
   •  FencePost
   •  Grass
   •  House_01
   •  House_02
   •  PoliceCar
   •  RegCar
   •  RegCar1
   •  Road
   •  SideWalk
   •  StreetLamp
   •  TrashCan
   •  Tree_01
   •  Tree_02
   •  Truck
   •  Building
   •  Building01
   •  Building02
   •  Building03
   •  Car01
   •  Car02
   •  Car03
   •  Glass03
   •  Glass04
   •  Glass05
   •  GlassColor03
   •  GlassColor04
   •  GlassColor05
   •  GlassColor06
   •  Grass
   •  House
   •  House02
   •  HouseColor
   •  Lambert01
   •  Objects
   •  Phong15
   •  PoliceCar
   •  Road
   •  Road02
   •  Road03
   •  Tree
   •  Truck
   •  Truck02
   •  TrashCan
   •  Crash
   •  Building
   •  Car01
   •  Car02
   •  Car03
   •  Grass
   •  House
   •  House02
   •  Objects
   •  PoliceCar
   •  Road
   •  Road02
   •  Road03
   •  Tree
   •  Truck
   •  Truck02

Top Publisher Assets