os. Intraglacial | Snow VFX

Publisher OccaSoftware
File size 17.24MB
Number of files 120
Latest version 2.0.0
Latest release date 2023-11-21 12:30:15
First release date 2022-01-24 12:40:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher




Intraglacial is the ultimate snow VFX asset for Unity! With just a simple drag and drop, you can easily create a stunning winter wonderland in your game or application.

Intraglacial Features:

  • 6 built-in levels of realistic, fully customizable snowfall
  • Adjust parameters such as snow speed and direction, wind turbulence, air turbulence, size, opacity, color, lifetime, and spawn region to create a unique and immersive snow experience
  • No coding required! Intraglacial is user-friendly and accessible for creators of all skill levels
  • Support team is dedicated to providing quick and accessible assistance

How to use Intraglacial:

  1. Simply drag and drop the asset into your Unity scene
  2. Assign a camera for the snowfall to follow
  3. Customize the snowfall using the various configurable parameters

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not happy, we are not happy. Contact us by email or Discord for any support.

Intraglacial is the perfect asset for Unity developers who are looking to create stunning snow scenes in their projects. With its easy-to-use interface and wide range of customization options, Intraglacial is the perfect tool for creating the perfect winter wonderland.

Buy Intraglacial today and start creating stunning snow scenes in your Unity projects!


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Learn more about OccaSoftware

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