Circus Props

Publisher nickknacks
File size 19.04MB
Number of files 142
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2017-07-25 10:14:20
First release date 2016-02-01 06:33:25
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
A set of 30 low poly, stylised circus props, with baked in lighting and ambient occlusion.

List of assets:

▪ Animal stand
▪ Balancing ball
▪ Bucket of water
▪ Canon
▪ Clown hat
▪ Cream pie
▪ Circus Fun lights
▪ Dagger throwing board (animated)
▪ Diablo (x2 colours)
▪ Dive pool (with animated shark fin)
▪ High diving board
▪ Drum
▪ Hoola hoop
▪ Ladder
▪ Megaphone
▪ Paper hoop (intact)
▪ Paper hoop (burst through)
▪ Seesaw
▪ Skittle (x2 colours)
▪ Small circus tent
▪ Strongman weights
▪ Suitcase
▪ Top hat
▪ Trampoline
▪ Trumpet
▪ Umbrella
▪ Unicycle
▪ Wooden barrel
▪ Wooden chair
▪ Wooden crate

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