American Diner food & accessories

Publisher nickknacks
File size 3.44MB
Number of files 113
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-12-07 09:21:25
First release date 2015-06-23 11:23:56
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
A set of 22 lowpoly stylised items of Diner food and accessories. Each uses a very compact 256x256 texture for minimum memory usage.

List of assets:

▪ Bacon And Eggs
▪ Beer Bottle
▪ Cheesecake
▪ Cup of Coffee
▪ Sweetcorn on bread
▪ Doughnuts
▪ Fries
▪ Grapefruit
▪ Hamburger
▪ Hotdog
▪ Napkin dispenser
▪ Pancakes
▪ Pizza slice
▪ Plate
▪ Salt & Pepper cellars
▪ Soda cup
▪ Steak
▪ Sugar shaker
▪ Ice-cream sundae
▪ Tomato ketchup & Mustard bottles x2
▪ Waffles

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