Chapter 4 Assets (for the book, Unity Game Coding Using C#)

Publisher Colorado Game Coders LLC
File size 79.28MB
Number of files 17
Latest version 1.02_U4.5
Latest release date 2014-11-20 11:12:14
First release date 2014-11-20 11:12:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
These are the assets that go along with Chapter 4 of the PDF book, Unity Game Coding Using C#.

This is the snapshot set of the project referenced in Chapter 4 of the book for those that want to try their hand at implementing the early steps - or simply to see the project in its early stage. At this point in the Action Adventure Game (the core 3D game of the book) there are still many additions to come. So, if you're just wanting to see the end result you might prefer to simply download the Chapter 12 assets.

Note: Because Unity's Asset Store Manager program does not include Tags, Layer Names, and so forth I've zipped the project. In future chapters, it may be wiser to just have you set these up by following the book's instructions, in which case, this would be closer to a regular "asset". Having a complete book on the Asset Store is a new experience for both Unity and this author. With your positive feedback, we should be able to make it work!

Please support the book found at Unity Game Coding Using C#

Thank you for looking, and happy coding,

-Mike Croswell