Build Report Tool

Publisher Anomalous Underdog
File size 558.50kB
Number of files 237
Latest version 3.11.11
Latest release date 2024-08-01 09:12:12
First release date 2013-04-17 06:44:16
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Trying to reduce your game build to less than 50 MB? Need to see which of your assets are eating up disk space?

This tool provides a nice front-end for Unity's build info. It shows the assets included when you build and how much storage space each of them take.

WARNING: This plugin does not detect the building of Asset Bundles or Addressables. That includes usage of plugins like VRWorld Toolkit.

Asset Usage/Dependencies: See which asset is using which, to let you understand why an asset is being included in the build.

Unused Assets List: Maybe you have files you don't use anymore? See what assets are not included in your build with the Unused Assets List!

Save to XML: Save your build reports to XML files! Store multiple build reports for reference, or perhaps send them to your teammates.

Project Settings: See what build settings were used on the project upon time of building. Useful for Continuous Integration systems when reviewing settings on automated builds.

DLL List: See exactly what Mono DLLs are getting included in your build and how much space they take.

Also works on Personal Edition and mobile.

For support or inquiries, send a tweet to @AnomalusUndrdog, send me a private message on the Unity forums, or join the discussion in our Unity forum thread

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