Demolition ML Kit

Publisher Demolition Studios
File size 3.10MB
Number of files 82
Latest version 2.1.0
Latest release date 2024-01-23 03:30:15
First release date 2023-06-13 03:13:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Demolition ML Kit gives Unity developers easy way to employ optimized real-time ML models centered around computer vision.


The current set of models includes
1. High-quality background removal/background matting based on RobustVideoMatting
2. Depth estimation by single image

1. Sample scene for each model
2. Specially made visualizations with different post effects
3. Different model versions for Quality / Speed tradeoff
4. Select Barracuda worker type / priority
5. WebCamTexture support
6. Unity VideoPlayer integration
7. AVPro Live Camera integration (recommended)

Ideal for
+ Media installations
+ Apps with video streaming (e.g. can be used with
+ Kiosks

NVidia RTX3070
+ Background removal: 300 FPS
+ Depth estimation: 400 FPS

NVidia GTX1050Ti
+ Background removal: 50 FPS
+ Depth estimation: 80 FPS

Note: only desktop platforms currently supported (tested on Windows DX11 and Linux Vulkan)
Unity versions: 2021/2022 and above

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