XP Module

Publisher Pradeilles Thomas
File size 12.27MB
Number of files 55
Latest version 1.0.1
Latest release date 2018-01-31 12:09:28
First release date 2018-01-16 05:00:38
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
The simple and efficient way to handle experience and leveling in your games. 2 in 1, also support growing systems! Key Features
- Experience and leveling : ideal for characters, items, professions
- Growing system : time based experience for plants or trees
- Skin based on level : change the appearance of your model depending on the level

Also included
- Documentation as markdown
- Documentation as .txt
- Tests
- Demo scenes

Scripts are written in a clean and optimised C#. Possible errors ara caught and transformed as log. Tests scripts are included in the package.

Doodah is a composition oriented library, allowing each module to be easily mixed, modified or augmented to accomodate any of your needs.

Every Doodah module sold on the asset store is compatible with each others.

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