WW1-WW2 American Sniper Rifle (PBR, 4K)

Publisher Felipe Caravelli
File size 35.10MB
Number of files 9
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-02-10 08:57:11
First release date 2021-02-10 08:57:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
PBR model, 4K Textures. American military sniper rifle with vintage WW1-era M8 scope and no scope options. Parts can be moved and animated (doesn't include animation). Preview screenshots rendered on Marmoset.

// Package includes:

-- Sniper model & prefab
-- No scope variant prefab
-- 4096x4096 albedo, metallic/smoothness, normal

// Polycount:

-- Rifle and scope: 34,061 polys
-- Rifle w/o scope: 27,399 polys

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