World Materials


Publisher Avionx
File size 5.21GB
Number of files 1059
Latest version 6
Latest release date 2022-12-12 10:46:32
First release date 2019-04-11 02:12:07
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

World Materials, a growing set of 92 Materials. Make use of an expanding collection of materials for all types of world building.

Includes Materials For any kind of biome or environment.

Each material comes with all maps necessary for any type of shaders

Maps included:

- Diffuse/Albedo

- Normal

- Metallic

- Smoothness

- Height

- and Ambient occlusion

Includes shader variants for each material for use with Buitl-in, Universal and for HDRP Pipelines.

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