Working Conveyor

File size 737.12kB
Number of files 11
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2016-10-13 11:24:26
First release date 2016-06-06 05:28:23
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
New and improved! As per the request of many developers, the conveyor no longer freezes/ locks the rotation and gravity of objects dropping on. The conveyor now interacts in a much more realistic sense A simple conveyor model with a belt and side wall supports. The conveyor can move rigidbody objects dropped on it while shifting its belt texture to make it look as if it is being driven realistically. The script attached allows the conveyor to be controlled. The conveyor can be turned on and off and its driven speed can be adjusted. Objects resting on the conveyor will change their speed to reflect the conveyor's current speed.