Wingman - AI Editor Toolkit


Publisher Codematik
File size 373.47kB
Number of files 86
Latest version 1.0.0
Latest release date 2023-09-04 11:57:11
First release date 2023-09-04 11:57:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

30% off for the first week!

Runtime support coming soon!

- Wingman -

Wingman is an editor tool which integrates an AI assistant for you to develop games faster than ever. Wingman implements OpenAI & ChatGPT integration for AI prompting and responses.

- Overview -

Wingman has 4 main features in its toolkit:


  • Art Generator (DALL-E)
  • Color Palette Generator


  • Development Assistant
  • Script Editor
  • Script Documentor


  • Creative Assistant
  • Name Generator
  • Backstory Generator
  • Game Idea Generator


  • Grammar Checker
  • Language Translator

- Key Features -

  • Art Generator generates prototype textures and 2d art.
  • Color Palette Generator will give a wide range of color palettes for your game.
  • Development Assistant a persistent assistant for tough development tasks.
  • Script Editor edits scripts for you based on a natural language prompt.
  • Script Documenter which documents provided code.
  • Creative Assistant for help with creative questions and tasks.
  • Name Generator to help with creative names.
  • Character Backstory Generator to help generate unique backstories.
  • Game Idea Generator to generate game ideas to get you started.
  • Grammar Correction corrects grammar into standard English.
  • Translator translates text from a source language to a target language.
  • Developer Support.
  • Documentation.
  • Source code provided.
  • Getting started info scene.

- Compatibility -

Compatible with Unity 2020.3+

- Roadmap -

We aim to keep improving and adding to Wingman. See here for a detailed list of features we will be implementing.

Want to provide your own feedback? Join the Discord! Links are provided below.

- Socials -

Website | Youtube

- Support -


- Warning -

Wingman requires an internet connection and an OpenAI API account to function correctly.

Third Party Notice

Asset uses diff-match-patch under Apache License 2.0; Asset uses opensans font under SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.