Voxelizzer Framework

Publisher Cubes Team
File size 10.77MB
Number of files 195
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2015-07-01 08:34:20
First release date 2015-01-14 11:14:42
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Voxelizzer is an API/framework for creation and manipulation with voxels in voxelActor or voxelWorld

Feature list:

1.3: - Offset vertices in voxelActor mesh
- Align voxelActor mesh in defined axis and on min,center or max value of bounds
- Atlas material now automatically use default UV when texture isn't assigned to atlas (no more warning: missing atlas texture)
- Rasterize Unity terrain
- Minor bug fix

-Fix: color palette index from Vox file is now correct
-Load and create voxelActor from Vox or actor data file in editor

-import MagicaVoxel VOX file format
-Subtract actors
-Draw points from array
-Delete points from array

1.0: - Draw or remove point
- Draw or remove circle
- draw or remove line
- draw or remove box
- draw or remove sphere
- Rasterize from image to XY/ZY/XZ plane
- Rasterize from images front/side/top to 3D voxelized model
- Rasterize single mesh to voxels with colors from materials on source
- Combine actor
- Create frame animation from actor
- User defined voxel size per voxel actor
- 2 face types - diagonal (2 triangles) and cross (4 triangles) where center vertex on face you can set (offset in face normal)
- Save/load voxel actor to xml, compressed xml, base64 and compressed base64 file format
- Save/load world
- Export to Obj file
- json serialization is supported, when you have json.dot.net asset
- Save/load mesh data only to fileformats desc. above
- Vertex ambient occlusion
- Weld mesh vertices
- Smooth mesh edges
- Every voxel actor has local integer grid system and access to voxel is very simple [x,y,z] of course with negative value too ;)
- Voxel world with theoretically unlimited chunks and voxels count (default size is -65000 .. 65000)
- Voxel actor manager (for pooling actor in scene)
- Surface definition for voxel or per face on voxel
- Build world from heightmap
- Build options on one place
- Mesh tool for creating or merging meshes
- Special dictionary Hash3DMap and Hash2DMap for simulate 2/3 dimensional array ( work with negative index)
- Universal solution for data serialization ComplexClassSerializer
- Integer Vector2i and Vector3i
- Examples for API incl.
- All source in C# included

Online documentation

VoxelWorld demo
VoxelActor edit demo

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