Viking Village URP

Publisher Unity Technologies
File size 1.68GB
Number of files 614
Latest version 1.1.1
Latest release date 2022-04-29 06:06:15
First release date 2015-02-17 09:38:34
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Viking Village is a 3D environment created by the Unity Demo team, originally in Unity 5, that has been updated to work on Unity 2020.2 and above, giving you the perfect launchpad from which to learn about and use the Universal Render Pipeline!

More details on the updates we've made to this project include:

  • Custom Shader Graph: shader is used for legacy texture workflow compatibility
  • Vegetation: replaced with that used in Unity's Book of the Dead
  • Water: replaced with that used in Unity's Boat Attack

Asset uses Boat Attack Water System under Unity Companion License; see BoatAttackWaterSystemLicense.txt file in package for details.

Camera controls

While in Play mode, you can swap between two cameras by pressing the C key on your keyboard:

  • Flythrough camera which plays a looping animation showcasing the Viking Village environment
  • First person controller. Use the WASD keys to move and mouse aim to look around. Press the Space key to jump, or hold it down to fly. Hold down the CTRL key to descend

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