VFX-Confetti Fire works

Game HUB

Publisher Game HUB
File size 5.02MB
Number of files 100
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-08-31 06:13:46
First release date 2023-07-12 01:56:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Confetti Pack

  • Confetti effects are popular and vibrant way to add a touch of celebration, joy, or festivity to various visual experiences. This pack is a collections of 20 prefabs that allows you to add easily dynamic confetti effects to your unity project. Celebrate special moments, achievements, or create festive atmospheres with colorful confetti animations.


  • Import the package in your unity project
  • Drag and drop “ConfettiEffect“ prefabs one by one into your scene.
  • You can customize various parametes to achieve the desired visual effect including color, size, shape, textures, ,meshes etc.
  • Access the inspector and adjust the settings as necessary until you achieve the desired look.
  • Play the scene to the confetti effect in action.

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