VFSKeyboard - VR, Fast and Simple

Publisher Shing Ming Studio
File size 66.27kB
Number of files 11
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-07-22 12:41:13
First release date 2021-07-22 12:41:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher


VFSKeyboard is an open-source keyboard, as its name, suitable for VR development environment, fast and simple to use.


- Autofill to the corresponding inputField which is the last time select by user

- Cross-platform building by Oculus Integration, SteamVR Plugin, Unity XR Interaction Toolkit

- “One seconds” setup

- Easy-to-use

- Auto enable/disable the virtual keyboard when trigger/untrigger the “InputField” UI component

- Customize the keyboard button color when the user release, select, and press


1. ***{ important }*** Make sure that your VR controller (or laser pointer) can interact with the UI component (e.g. click button) in the scene first before using this asset

2. Add the “InputField” gameObject and then add the “InputFieldDetection” script at this gameObject

3. Add the “Virtual Keyboard Controller” prefab in the scene

4. Drag the “Virtual Keyboard” prefab to the Canvas UI gameObject, become the childObject of the Canvas UI gameObject

5. Fine-tuning the UI component to a suitable position, and now you can play it now : )

***p.s. In our unitypackage, our example scene is made by Unity XR Interaction Toolkit framework and using the Oculus Quest 2 for our testing.***

Double click the example scene to try it out :)

***For more info. of (step-by-step) install and how to make the VR controller that can interact with the UI component in order to use this asset, pls click here***


- Can’t get the cursor (or laser pointer) position (in characters) within a text InputField if the project using Oculus Integration and XR Interaction Toolkit to develop

- Add more punctuation key to the keyboard in the future


We available some Demo which builds from the different framework and using the Oculus Quest 2 for testing. Please click here to download the DEMO

ReadMe: https://hackmd.io/@ShingMing/Skv5NunsO

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