
Publisher UniActionTeam
File size 7.10MB
Number of files 46
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-03-05 06:49:24
First release date 2017-03-23 08:45:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Purpose of this application - a demonstration dynamically graphs in full-screen mode. Data to create graphs (PE) entered by the user via the web control panel. Created presets are saved and can be modified, deleted or activated.

Fields of application: conference, summit, scheduled meetings, training sessions, billboards.

At the moment, realized one kind of graph: Pie Graph.

The technologies and solutions:.

front-end side:
• Angular 2
• Bootstrap
• CSS3

back-end side:
• Lite server in unity project
• Dynamic creation of game objects
• Multithreading
• Dynamic split image
• Multiple cameras on the one screen
• Saving and Loading App Data

Supported Platforms: Windows , Mac OS X, Linux.

Support: https://www.facebook.com/uniactionteam

Support Mail: [email protected]

* C# source code,front-end side TypeScript source code (in zip archive), scene and documentation included.

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