Ultimate Magic Spells Bundle

Publisher Poseidon Studios
File size 24.98MB
Number of files 72
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-09-22 07:18:13
First release date 2020-09-22 07:18:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Another Game Stacs Asset!!

Ultimate Magic Spells Bundle

The pack contains 9 magical spells with there unique fantasy designs. The magic spell comes with ready to use prefabs specially designed for mobile devices.
The magic spells can be easily customized.

The pack comes with ready to use prefabs.

Package Component
The pack has 9 magic spells :-
1. Ancient Healing Spell
2. Energy ball 1
3. Energy ball 2
4. Ice Shatter Spell
5. Lasers
6. Portal Spell
7. Power Blast Spell
8. Power Recharging Spell
9. Teleport Spell

1. Texture size :- 1024x1024
2. Mobile ready

The pack comes with a demo scene with a camera controller.

Video and screenshots of the magic spells were made using the help of Post Processing effects.

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