Ultimate Inventory Engine


Publisher N-Studios
File size 18.93MB
Number of files 85
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-01-17 11:02:21
First release date 2021-05-24 08:48:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

💻 Drag & Drop

Our engine features a simple to use Drag and Drop interface. This allows users to easily work with their inventory. Drag your items around to put them in different slots or simply reorganize your inventory. You can also take advantage of the built-in shortcuts – again, by just dragging items around.

🛠️ Crafting System

Apart from the inventory system itself you also get your hands on the brand-new crafting system that would allow you to have your own custom and unique recipes. Collect items and use them to create even better ones!

📂 Save and Load

The package features a fully functional Save and Load system. This allows players to have their progress saved as separate files so that even when you restart the game you can always load the progress again.

🛡️ Equipment

That’s right! You can have your own equipment. Create your own items which can be equipped. It could be custom armor, clothes or whatever you like. They can also grant special abilities or upgrades. It is all up to you!

⚔️ Hotbar

The hotbar is of a crucial importance for fast-paced games like FPS, Sandbox and Battle Royale. It allows players to quickly equip tools and items and even use them on the go.


Tooltips are great addition to the crafting system. What they do is simple – whenever you hover with your mouse onto a crafting button a cool “tooltip” will reveal multiple graphics and/or texts. Also not only does it show those tooltips, but the script also animates them to smoothly appear on the screen which adds a lot of impact on the feeling of the whole crafting system.

⌨️ Shortcuts

Shortcuts allow for even smoother, easier and faster work with the inventory. Some of them are the following:

     ✔️ Double-click on a slot:

- This will pick all identical items from all of your slots and try to put them in the slot you clicked. If you have less than the max stack size the slot will not get full and if you have too many the slots will become full but some items from the nearby slots will remain where they are.

     ✔️ Shift-click on crafting:

- This will craft as many items as possible with the selected number of items and the recipe.

     ✔️ Right click + drag:

- This will split your items and put half of them in the slot you drag them to.

     ✔️ Fast hotbar:

- Apart from controlling your hotbar with the mouse scroll wheel you can quickly select the different slots. Clicking 1 on your keyboard will select the 1stslot. Clicking 8 on your keyboard will select the 8th slot (if there is one) and so on.

     ✔️ Ctrl + Q

- If the inventory is closed - drop the entire content of the active hotbar slot

- If the inventory is open – drop the entire content of the slot on which the mouse cursor is located

⚙️ Full Customization

The package is not called “Ultimate Inventory Engine” for no reason. It allows the users to customize each and every detail such as font or graphics so you can create a unique inventory design and much more.

🤚 Special Thanks

I'd like to kindly say "thank you" to all those people who helped me throughout the developing process. Starting up with Roompy - who helped the most, DavyGravy - who helped with the coding a little and last but not least - Mickey the rubber duck... who just stayed on my desk?

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